When it comes to packaging and shipping products, the most important consideration is ensuring that products arrive safely at their destination. Packaging plays a critical role in this process, because packaging must protect your products from any potential physical stresses and environmental hazards they may encounter in transit. Providing top-notch packaging is essential to maintaining a good reputation and customer satisfaction, and can be the difference between a customer choosing your products over a competitor’s, especially for potential repeat customers. Here are five tips for packaging that can help you better protect your products during shipping: 5 Packaging Tips to Better Protect Your Products 1. Use the Appropriate Package Size Choosing your package size is one of the most basic, yet important considerations when packaging your products. A package that is too small can lead to damaged products by not providing enough protection, but packages that are too large can also lead to damaged products by allowing products to shift around inside the box. When selecting a package size, consider the size and weight of the products being shipped, allowing extra space for a sufficient amount of cushioning material inside. 2. Use High Quality Packaging Materials Another important factor is the quality of the packaging materials you use. High quality materials are essential to protect your products during shipping. Double-walled corrugated boxes, void fillers such as bubble wrap or air pillows, dividers, and reinforcing inserts all provide protection against drops, shocks, vibrations, and compression. In addition, materials can also protect your products from environmental factors, such as anti-moisture, anti-static, and anti-corrosion packaging. 3. Use Cushioning Materials Cushioning materials are an essential part of any packaging strategy. They help to protect the product from impacts and vibrations during transit, and can help to prevent damage caused by compression or stacking. Common cushioning materials include bubble wrap, packing peanuts, foam inserts, and air pillows.  When using cushioning materials, make sure that they completely surround the product and fill any empty space in the package. This provides extra protection against impact and vibration and also helps to prevent the product from moving around inside the box. 4. Wrap Fragile Items Individually Fragile items like glassware, ceramics, and electronics all require extra care when packaging. One of the best ways to protect fragile or sensitive items is to wrap them individually before placing them in the package. This provides an extra layer of protection against impacts and vibrations during transit. When wrapping fragile items, use bubble wrap, foam wrap, or other cushioning materials to protect the item from all sides. Make sure that the item is completely wrapped and that there is sufficient void fill materials to hold the items in place inside the box. For extra protection, consider using double layers of cushioning material for fragile items. Foam or corrugated dividers are also useful to prevent multiple items from contacting each other during shipping. 5. Seal Packages Effectively Finally, it’s important to ensure that your packages are sealed effectively to prevent them from opening during transit. Use strong packaging tape to seal all seams and edges of the box (using the H-tape method) and make sure that the tape is applied securely. Consider using extra tape to reinforce the corners of the box, which are often the most vulnerable areas. When sealing packages, make sure to use enough tape to create a secure seal, but not so much that the package becomes difficult to open. It’s also a good idea to apply any relevant warning labels to the box to ensure it is handled properly during transit. Including a packing slip or other documentation inside the package can help ensure that the package is delivered to the correct location and handled properly during transit as well. Looking For Quality Packaging Solutions to Keep Your Products Safe? Preferred Packaging Has the Packaging Solutions You Need Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging products and materials to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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As consumers become increasingly aware of the impact that human activity has on the environment, businesses are under pressure to adopt more sustainable practices. One area where companies can make a significant difference is in their packaging. By using environmentally friendly packaging solutions, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint, improve their brand image, and even save money in the process. 5 Key Benefits of Eco-friendly Packaging One of the primary benefits of using environmentally friendly packaging is the reduced environmental impact. Traditional packaging materials, such as plastic, are often non-biodegradable and can take hundreds of years to break down in the environment. They may also contain certain chemicals or toxins which can be harmful to wildlife, ecosystems, and even human health. Environmentally friendly packaging, on the other hand, is designed to minimize harm to the environment. It uses sustainable materials and production processes that reduce waste and pollution, leading to a lower carbon footprint. For example, some companies strictly use recycled or biodegradable materials for their packaging, which reduces their impact on the environment. Using environmentally friendly packaging can also improve your brand image. Consumers are increasingly conscious of the impact their purchasing decisions have on the environment, and they are more likely to support businesses that share their values. By using sustainable materials, businesses can appeal to customers who value sustainability and demonstrate their commitment to protecting the environment. This can help increase customer loyalty and attract new environmentally conscious consumers. For example, a 2017 study by Cone Communications found that 87% of consumers would purchase a product if a company advocated for an issue they cared about, such as sustainability. Contrary to popular belief, environmentally friendly packaging can actually be more cost-effective than traditional packaging options. While sustainable materials may be more expensive upfront, they can often result in cost savings over the long term. For example, using recycled materials may be less expensive than producing new materials from scratch. Additionally, many eco-friendly packaging options are designed to be reusable, which can significantly reduce the overall cost of packaging. Furthermore, many businesses are realizing that using sustainable packaging can lead to cost savings through operational efficiencies. For example, reducing the weight or size of packaging can reduce shipping costs and save on fuel consumption. By using eco-friendly packaging, businesses can reduce their overall costs and improve their bottom line. Another benefit of using environmentally friendly packaging is regulatory compliance. Many countries have regulations in place that require businesses to use more sustainable packaging practices. For example, the European Union has set targets for member states to recycle 75% of their packaging waste by 2030. Meanwhile, in the United States, many states have implemented plastic bag bans or fees to reduce plastic waste. By using eco-friendly packaging, businesses can comply with these regulations and avoid potential fines or penalties. Additionally, complying with these regulations can improve a company’s reputation and demonstrate its commitment to sustainability. Finally, using environmentally friendly packaging can lead to innovation and creativity. Sustainable packaging requires businesses to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions. This can lead to innovative new products and packaging designs that differentiate your brand from competitors and improve overall customer experience. For example, some businesses have experimented with using natural materials such as bamboo, seaweed, or mushrooms to create packaging. Others are using reusable packaging, such as glass, or biodegradable packaging that can reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact of their products. ———- Looking for Environmentally Friendly Packaging Solutions for Your Products? Preferred Packaging Has the Packaging Solutions You Need Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging products and materials to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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What makes a well designed package? Packaging design is by no means an easy task, and while many people believe a “good looking package” is purely subjective, there is actual science to back up what separates a great looking package from one that may fail to get the same response from consumers. There are several factors to consider when designing custom packaging for your products, which we will look at today: How Packaging Design Can Influence Consumers 1. Color Color theory is one of the most-studied design elements that evokes a significant emotional response for consumers. Almost 85% of consumers cite color as the main reason they buy a product, and 80% of people believe color increases brand recognition. The right color scheme for your packaging can help convey the message you want to consumers: 2. Shape Shape (or form) also plays a vital role in packaging design. Not only do packages need to protect your products, but studies have shown that the shape of your packaging can have a noticeable impact on the way your products are perceived by consumers. Packaging shape is very closely tied to branding and identity, and should reflect the style, personality, or theme of your brand. Some popular packaging shapes that can help your products stand out include: Window BoxesWindow boxes are a popular option for brands that want to proudly display their products without sacrificing protection. Tray and Sleeve BoxesTray and sleeve boxes are a simple packaging solution that can give an easy-to-open yet refined appearance. Gable BoxesGable boxes are an excellent choice for giving customers a package designed for protection, portability, and unique styling. Magnetic Closure BoxesMagnetic closure boxes are a high-end packaging option that can add an air of luxury and sophistication to your products. Cylinder BoxesCylinder boxes offer great protection due to their shape, are resistant to tipping, and are also easy to stack during shipping, storage, or on retail shelves. 3. Typography and Messaging Typography is an incredibly important aspect of packaging design, because your typography has to communicate information to the customer, but also make the words attractive on your packaging. Choosing the right font, scale, and layout are all necessary to convey the right messages about your brand and products. Typography serves several purposes in packaging design, including: 4. Materials Material usage is another important choice to make when designing good packaging. As we have become more conscious of our impact on the environment, more and more consumers are basing their purchasing decisions on the types of materials businesses use in their packaging. A 2018 study by the Paper and Packaging Board and IPSOS shows that: Are You Looking for Professional Packaging Design Services for Your Products? Preferred Packaging is Here to Help Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging products and materials to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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Choosing the right packaging for your products is no easy task. It’s definitely a struggle to balance material costs, the ability to keep your products safe, and the shipping costs associated with your packages in order to maximize profits. But what many people may not think of is how your packaging solutions can also affect your sales. A 2019 survey found that over 70% of customers say that packaging design influences their purchasing decisions. This means that if you’re not putting serious thought into your packaging design, you may be missing out on a huge opportunity to attract more sales. Here are 5 ways that your packaging choices can affect your sales, and what you can do to increase your sales potential: 5 Ways That Your Packaging Can Impact Sales One of the main functions of packaging is to protect the products inside while in transit. Low quality packaging materials, not using the right amount of materials, or using the wrong type of materials for the items you’re shipping can greatly increase the risk of damaged goods arriving at your customer’s door. Returns, refunds, and loss of business from frustrated customers can greatly affect your bottom line, so make sure your packages are offering the right amount of protection for your products. Designing packaging that stands out and clearly displays your brand is another great way to increase sales. The immense popularity of the unboxing videos is proof that customers view a product’s packaging as part of the unboxing experience. An eye-catching package instantly lets customers know those are your products inside. Packaging that incorporates your brand logo and colors, limited-time/seasonal packaging designs, and even the way your products are presented inside the packaging are all things that can create memorable customer experiences. If two competitors are offering virtually identical products, but one is shipped in a high-quality package and the other in a nondescript brown box, customers will subconsciously think that the products in the high-quality package are of higher quality. If your packaging is nicer than the other guy’s, then that means your products must be nicer, too, right? Quality materials, branding, and a unique presentation all send trust signals that you care about your products, which equals greater value in customers’ minds. Alongside protecting products and displaying your brand, your packaging can also be a useful tool to convey information about your products. Beyond just slapping a list of ingredients or features on the box, try to anticipate what kind of questions your customers may be asking when looking at your products: Using your packaging to provide information about your products will help customers make informed decisions, and make them feel more confident that they are spending their money on exactly what they want. One of the biggest buzzwords in the packaging industry is sustainability. With customers willing to spend more on products and packaging made with sustainable practices and materials, making the switch to eco-friendly alternatives can lead to increased sales as customers choose you over competitors who don’t. There have been several innovations in recent years of eco-friendly materials that can be used to make the packaging industry more sustainable. Some eco-friendly packaging options include: ———- Looking For High-Quality Packaging Solutions to Help Increase Sales? Preferred Packaging Can Help Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in custom package development, and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging products and materials to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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As a business that ships products – whether it’s to retailers or direct to customers – keeping your products safe during shipping is essential. But finding the right balance between offering the best protection for your products and the smallest form-factor for your packages can be a difficult task. Use too little materials and you risk having items damaged or breaking during shipping, which leads to costly returns, refunds, and those dreaded 1-star reviews. However, using too much packaging materials – known as over packaging – causes its own set of problems. These problems won’t just affect your business; they also affect our shipping industry and our environment as a whole. Here are 4 important reasons why you should avoid over packaging your products: 4 Key Benefits of Avoiding Over Packaging 1. Reduced Material Consumption and Costs The first reason to avoid over packaging, from a business standpoint at least, is that over packaging is incredibly wasteful. While it is important to provide enough packaging materials to keep your products safe during transit, taking an oversized box and stuffing it to the brim with packing peanuts, or wrapping your products in 20 layers of bubble wrap is a bit extreme. Over packaging can cause your material costs to skyrocket over time – it’s much more effective, from both a materials consumption and cost standpoint, to optimize your packaging. This includes: Using the right box, the right materials (and amount), and the right packing techniques will help you to cut down on material waste and save money. If generic packaging solutions don’t seem to get the job done, then it may be time to consider developing custom packaging solutions for your products. 2. Less Material Waste and Pollution Over packaging leads to increased material waste and pollution, both of which have been facing increasing scrutiny over the years. Of all municipal solid waste generated in 2018, roughly half (48.2%) was packaging materials: paper/paperboard, plastic, metal, and glass. With only 51% of packaging waste recycled yearly, this leaves the other half to be burned or to end up in our landfills or oceans. 3. Improved Shipping Logistics and Efficiency Over packaging can have a serious effect on your shipping costs and is a big problem for the shipping industry as a whole. It’s estimated that yearly shipping costs for an eCommerce business can range anywhere from 15-20% of total net sales. This means that avoiding over packaging can help you to save some serious money in the long run, while doing your part to keep the shipping industry running effectively. Avoiding over packaging has a few key benefits during shipping: 4. Reduced Chances of Negative Customer Experiences An often overlooked consequence of over packaging is how it affects your customers. Designing an attractive package and using high-quality materials both play important parts in your brand’s image and the unboxing experience, but they will be the farthest things from your customers’ minds if it takes 10 minutes to actually get to your products inside. “Wrap rage” is a common complaint in customer feedback, with over packaging being a common cause for negative customer experiences. If your customers have to dig through an oversized box filled with a million packing peanuts, only to then find that they have to cut open 20 layers of bubble wrap to actually get their products, it can have a serious effect on your brand’s image and reputation. A straightforward way to help avoid creating negative customer experiences is to use simple package design, optimizing your package’s size and the amount of materials used. Proper package testing can help to create the best package for your products using the least amount of materials possible. Less materials used means less time and effort needed to open your package and be able to use your products. Less time and effort spent means less frustration, and less frustration means more happy customers. Looking to Avoid Problems Caused By Over Packaging Your Products? Preferred Packaging Products Can Help Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in custom package development, and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging products and materials to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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Logistics management is a complex and essential aspect of supply chain management. It consists of planning, implementing, and controlling the forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption.  In order to meet customers’ expectations, effective logistics management is needed to keep everything moving as efficiently as possible. Every business has different needs and strategies when it comes to logistics, but certain strategies can be implemented across the board. Here are some strategies you can implement to improve your business logistics management and help maximize your business potential: 7 Ways to Overhaul Your Logistics Management 1. Evaluate and Redefine Your Standard Operating Procedures The most basic way that you can improve the way you manage your logistics is to implement some changes to your standard operating procedures. While it may sound a little daunting to try and change the very basics of how you operate, this is actually easier than it sounds.  Start with a few key steps: 2. Optimize Warehouse Management for Maximum Productivity Effective warehouse management is essential to improving your logistics process. Warehouse management affects so many aspects of the logistics chain, including lead times, inventory management, picking & packing, and inventory tracking/reporting. Some ways that you can improve your warehouse management include: 3. Identify Errors in Your Supply Chain Nothing can bring a business to a standstill quite like trouble with your supply chain. Identifying problems in your supply chain and taking action to remedy them will help keep things running smoothly between you and your suppliers. Some steps you can take to improve your supply chain include: 4. Examine Transportation and Redesign for Cost/Time Efficiencies Arguably the largest expense in logistics is transportation, and transportation requires extra care and attention to manage effectively. Transportation itself is broken down into three distinct units, and all three need to work together seamlessly in order to maximize savings – both on time and cost: Choosing a transportation management system will allow you to effectively handle both inbound and outbound orders – whether that be via an external transportation provider or with your company’s own fleet. This can help you to “trim the fat” off your transportation costs and streamline things as much as possible. 5. Automate (or Outsource) Every Process You Can Automation technology has been rapidly improving over the last few years, greatly improving efficiency and lead times. Smart warehouse management systems, real-time inventory tracking, and so many tech solutions are available to overcome any logistics challenge that may come your way. Outsourcing is another option to consider in order to streamline your logistics management, helping you to save time and money. Take a hard look at what processes are best handled in-house and what might be better handled by someone else – shipping, storing, kitting and assembly, packing and fulfillment, etc. 6. Facilitate Better Communication – Both Internal and External One of the best  ways – and possibly the simplest – to improve your logistics management is to promote better communication in your organization, both internally within the company, and externally with suppliers, retailers, and customers. Better communication on the business side, both in-house and with your suppliers and retailers, is important to establish strong relationships and get things done. Clearly communicating tasks and expectations, listening to what your employees, suppliers, and retailers are saying, and being transparent about decisions will help things run smoothly and create a more cohesive workforce. Customer service is another vital part of any company; keeping customers informed throughout the entire purchasing process – order confirmations, package sent notifications, tracking numbers, and shipping updates – can all go a long way to improve customer relations. Encouraging your customers to engage via surveys, promotions, and even simply asking if they enjoy their purchase afterward can also improve your image. Looking to Improve Your Business Logistics Management Process? Preferred Packaging Is Here for You Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range.  We specialize in custom package development, ensuring that your products will arrive safely and help your brand stand out from competitors. We also offer a wide selection of generic packaging products and materials to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways we can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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The packaging industry is an incredibly fascinating and diverse world; thousands of companies whose sole purpose is to provide the packaging needs of other companies across a wide spectrum of different industries. As a business owner, finding the best packaging partner for your products or business needs can be a challenging task, especially with so much competition in the packaging industry. How can you be sure your packaging partner is right for you? Before You Start Looking For A Packaging Partner Your work for finding a reliable packaging partner starts before you even begin to look up packaging suppliers. The best way to find the right partner is to first identify some key points about your business: Figuring these things out will give you a clearer perspective of what you are truly looking for in a packaging partner and what products and services you need from them. It also gives you a better idea of what packaging solutions you need to best promote your brand and stand out from your competitors. How to Identify The Best Packaging Partner for Your Business 1. Experience In Your Field or Industry A solid baseline for a reliable packaging partner is one who has experience in your field or industry. Certain industries may have safety regulations, compliance standards, or unique challenges within the industry. A packaging provider that knows the ins and outs of your field will be better equipped to fulfill any special requirements without trouble. 2. Variety of Products and Services Having to source packaging products and services from different providers can be both time consuming and expensive. A good packaging partner should have a range of products and services to meet any needs you have. A one-stop-shop provider will help to streamline your supply chain and improve your packaging and shipping efficiency. Some packaging partners may even be able to provide packaging equipment or warehousing, logistics, or fulfillment services. 3. Full-Service Custom Packaging Solutions Researching and developing the best packaging solutions for your products is a huge investment. Package design, testing, limited-production trial runs, and full-scale production are all critical steps of the packaging development process. If you need custom packaging solutions for your products, a packaging provider that can handle the entire process in-house can save a lot of time and money while making sure your products receive the protection they deserve. 4. Excellent Customer Support One of the most tried-and-true methods of finding a good packaging partner – or any business, for that matter – is how good (or bad) their customer support is. There are so many things that can go wrong in regards to packaging – supply chain issues, product or material shortages, shipping delays, etc. When things go wrong, it’s important that your packaging partner can: If you have purchased packaging equipment or other machinery from your partner, quick, competent tech support and warranty/preventative maintenance programs are also good indications of a great packaging partner. 5. The Intangibles Choosing a packaging partner is a serious business consideration. A packaging partner needs to be knowledgeable in the products and services they provide, they need to be honest about what they can and can’t do for your business, and they should want to see you succeed just as badly as you do. A company that takes the time to go over every little detail and ensure they’re providing you with the best products and services possible, that is willing to go the extra mile for their customers, will be infinitely more beneficial to your business than a company that just wants your business. Are You Looking For A Reliable Packaging Partner for Your Business? Preferred Packaging Is Here for You Since our founding in 1985, we have been the preferred packaging solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in developing custom packaging that will both ensure that your products are protected during shipping and help your brand stand out. We also offer a wide selection of generic packaging products and materials to suit all your packaging and shipping needs. Our warehouse, distribution, and logistics services can help you to streamline your packaging process and better utilize your warehouse space and better support your order fulfillment process. Our kitting and assembly services can take a load off your employees and help your business focus on other tasks, while our packaging equipment automation and installation services can further increase your packaging efficiency and aid in the transition to a more hands-off packaging process. To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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Packaging is one of the most important aspects of any shipping strategy. Choosing the right package for your products, and the materials it’s made from, is key to keeping products safe during transit. For years, plain brown boxes and packing peanuts were about all customers could expect when receiving an item shipped to their door. But packaging has come such a long way since then.  Nowadays, the appearance of your package is almost just as important as its protective abilities. As manufacturing and design processes have become more advanced, ordinary brown boxes are giving way to a sea of colors, logos, and graphics. This shift to custom packaging has created great marketing opportunities for businesses who want to take that next step in drawing new customers with eye-catching designs and presentations. Here are 5 marketing strategies that you can use to create custom packaging for your business: 5 Marketing Tactics You Can Incorporate Into Your Packaging 1. Stand Out with A Unique Unboxing Experience One of the best ways to market your products is to create a memorable unboxing experience for your customers. Instead of having them simply cut open a box and dig through some air pillows or packing peanuts, try to create a gift for them to open. There’s no feeling quite like the joy and excitement of opening a present; create a package that makes your customers eager to get at what’s inside.  You could go for a fancy presentation, or something more minimalistic, or packaging meant for your customers to engage with in opening, like a puzzle of sorts. Just remember to not make your packaging too challenging or frustrating to open, which can have the opposite effect. Even a simple “thank you” card inside the package can go a long way to help your business stand out from your competitors. 2. Promote Your Social Media Presence Another marketing tactic that your packaging can assist in is promoting your business social media accounts. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest; all of your social handles and hashtags can easily be incorporated into your packaging to help your customers connect with you. An organic way to promote your company on social media is to encourage your customers to share pics and videos of your products on their social accounts. Likes, shares, and retweets will all help to spread your company’s visibility on the internet and bring in potential customers. 3. Add Promotional Elements and Gifts Promotional elements and gift codes are another marketing tactic that can help to engage with customers and build better relationships with them. You could add a note or pamphlet inside your package that informs customers about similar products you offer to what they purchased or add coupon or QR codes inside to give a discount on future purchases. Interactive packaging is another way to promote your business and drive customer engagement. Games and hidden URLs are a great way to get customers to interact with your packaging and keep your business on their mind. You could even create contest elements in your packaging, where the first person to find a hidden URL, or one lucky package has a specific QR code, which gives the winner a prize of some sort. 4. Incorporate “Green” Materials and Concepts A 2020 survey by Trivium Packaging found that nearly 3/4 of consumers (74%) are willing to pay more for sustainable packaging. Consumers are more eco-conscious than ever these days, driven by increased media coverage of the environmental impacts of pollution and material waste. Sustainability is a key factor in consumer spending these days, so incorporating green materials and concepts into your packaging is another way to sway potential customers. Renewable or recyclable materials are quickly becoming the standard for many packaging products, including cornstarch filler materials, green foam (aka bio-foam) and even mushroom-based packaging materials. Another “green” aspect of packaging is the reusability of those materials or the package itself. Pasta sauce sold in glass jars is a great example of this; it’s almost a given that a customer has a few glass jars in their kitchen that they kept to use for other purposes instead of tossing it out. 5. Create Themed Packaging for Holidays and Special Events What better way to celebrate the holiday or special events than to create custom packaging that will be festive and eye-catching? Some great ideas include: Changing things up with your packaging is a great way to retain customer attention and spice things up for special times of the year. Special packaging related to customers’ lives – birthdays, anniversaries, etc. – are especially great at showing customers you care about more than just their business, and are a surefire way to build better relationships with them. Looking For Custom Packaging For Your Products? Preferred Packaging Is Here for You Since our founding in 1985, we have been the preferred packaging solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in developing custom packaging that will both ensure that your products are protected during shipping and help your brand stand out. We also offer a wide selection of generic packaging products and materials to suit all your packaging and shipping needs. Our warehouse, distribution, and logistics services can help you to streamline your packaging process and better utilize your warehouse space and better support your order fulfillment process. Our kitting and assembly services can take a load off your employees and help your business focus on other tasks, while our packaging equipment automation and installation services can further increase your packaging efficiency and aid in the transition to a more hands-off packaging process. To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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As a business owner, choosing the right packaging for your products is a huge undertaking. Packaging fills so many product needs: aesthetics, protection, brand recognition – all things that can “make or break” your products’ success. Many businesses, especially ones that ship through Amazon and the like, choose to use generic packaging due to its cost effectiveness. However, when looking to grow your business and stand out from the competition, generic packaging may be holding you back. Here are 6 reasons why custom packaging is something that you should seriously consider for your products: 6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Custom Packaging 1. Increased Brand Awareness and Value In today’s retail world, brand awareness plays a significant role in your product’s performance (and your company’s as a whole). First impressions are key in retail; if you’re not presenting your brand prominently on your package, it can be hard to stand out from your competitors. Branded packaging also stands out from plain brown boxes and plastic packaging. Unbranded, generic packaging doesn’t look or feel special; having your brand on the package sends subconscious trust signals to customers about quality and value. 2. Increased Customer Experience Custom packaging can also be used to create a tailored customer experience. Presentation and unboxing have become big factors in customer satisfaction; going the extra mile to create a unique experience via your packaging can draw in new customers and ensure that they come back for more again and again. 3. Better Protection for Products Custom packaging isn’t just for aesthetics – it also keeps your products safer during transit. Packaging that’s designed specifically for your products fits like a glove, reducing negative space inside of packaging. Foam or cardboard inserts can also be used to where extra rigidity is needed. Goods arriving damaged can put a serious dent in your brand’s image; it’s vital to make sure that your products arrive safely. 4. Function, Form, and Style Custom packaging can also fulfill a functional role as well. Are you shipping multiple smaller items in one package? Use partitions or packaging with die-cut holes to keep these items separated. If your products need to keep one side up, packaging can also be designed to make this easier. A quick look online will show that there are a million ways for designing packaging that is aesthetically pleasing and serves a functional purpose. 5.Choice of Eco-Friendly Materials Sustainability and waste reduction are quickly becoming two incredibly important factors of the packaging industry. When designing custom packaging for your products, you’ll also be able to choose recycled or biodegradable materials. Cornstarch-based packing peanuts, cellulose, green foam, and even mushroom-based packaging are all popular packaging materials that will help reduce your environmental impact while still keeping your products safe. 6. Reduced Shipping and Material Costs A big reason why custom packaging is a good investment is that it can drastically cut both material and shipping costs over time. Chances are that you’ve received a package from Amazon where the box was way too large for the product inside,and they just stuffed the box with air pillows or packing peanuts to fill the space. One-size-fits-all boxes are definitely easier (and cheaper) to order in bulk, but more often than not they lead to unnecessary shipping costs.  Custom packaging can be tailored to find the perfect balance between package size and protection, reducing the need to go overboard with void fill materials. Optimized smaller package sizes also means optimized shipping costs, and these savings can really add up over time. Looking for Custom Packaging for Your Products? Preferred Packaging Is Here for You Since our founding in 1985, we have been the preferred packaging solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in developing custom packaging that will both ensure that your products are protected during shipping and help your brand stand out. We also offer a wide selection of generic packaging products and materials to suit all your packaging and shipping needs. Our warehouse, distribution, and logistics services can help you to streamline your packaging process and better utilize your warehouse space and better support your order fulfillment process. Our kitting and assembly services can take a load off your employees and help your business focus on other tasks, while our packaging equipment automation and installation services can further increase your packaging efficiency and aid in the transition to a more hands-off packaging process. To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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The retail world has been through a rough couple of years. As the pandemic brought much of in-store retail to a halt, e-commerce boomed, and retailers had to redefine their business models and logistics to adapt to the changing market. Order fulfillment soon became a make-it-or-break-it aspect of business; new trends have changed how products end up in customers’ hands, and how businesses facilitate fulfilling orders – and will continue to make those changes. Here are 5 fulfillment trends that your business should utilize in order to keep up with the ever-evolving market: 5 Future-Facing Fulfillment Trends 1. Flexible Fulfillment Options Over the years,fulfillment options have become increasingly more flexible as customers’  needs and preferences have changed. Different methods allow customers to choose between cost and convenience in terms of delivery methods, letting them receive their orders on their terms. Time is also an extremely important factor in order fulfillment. It’s estimated that over 80% of customers are willing to pay $5 or more for same-day delivery; 27% of customers have also stated that they have abandoned or canceled an order because same-day shipping wasn’t available. Logistics companies have taken notice of this, and are adjusting their operations to accommodate this increased emphasis on faster delivery. More than 75% of all logistics companies expect to provide same-day delivery within the next few years, and about 33% anticipate same-day delivery within a two-hour window by 2032. 2. Real-Time Inventory and Shipment Visibility Mistakes, supply chain disruptions, and even full breakdowns in the fulfillment process can be extremely costly for a business in both a financial sense and a brand reputation standpoint. Being able to see the entire fulfillment network in real time is invaluable for businesses; proper visibility ensures that orders get delivered to the right customer, at the right time, at the right cost. Being able to track inventory and keep it updated in real time is vital to keeping your products available for purchase, whether you’re an online business or a brick-and-mortar store. 51% of retailers report that “out of stock” issues are their biggest fulfillment challenge. If customers aren’t able to buy what they want from your business, they will most likely look for that same (or similar) product elsewhere. Order tracking is another vital part of the fulfillment process, for both businesses and customers. It’s estimated that 90% of customers track the status of their online orders. Being able to see their package’s journey from start to finish helps put their mind at ease, and making it easy for them to do so also helps build trust. 3. Data, Virtual Intelligence, and Automation Data is perhaps the most valuable asset of the entire fulfillment process. As companies shift towards more customer-centric fulfillment, data sciences and analytics are transforming how they do business. Virtual intelligence and machine learning is already being used to process data and automate large chunks of the fulfillment process, and logistics as a whole. This, in turn, is projected to shift the human workforce towards tweaking algorithms, creating response scenarios to likely events/mishaps and coding them, and other tasks meant more to support these automated processes than handling them directly. 4. Omnichannel Logistics As online retail has evolved, logistics networks have needed to adapt how they work. Speed, transparency, and flexibility are perhaps the three biggest factors in customers’ expectations nowadays; one of the best ways to seamlessly target all customer channels – online and offline – is applying an omnichannel approach to your logistics needs. Omnichannel logistics integrates all existing channels of your business – online stores, brick-and-mortar stores, social media accounts, etc. – to create a seamless shopping experience for customers. This approach is driven by centralized data and inventory management, allowing customers to start their search on one channel and finish their purchase on another. Some key benefits of omnichannel systems include: While omnichannel logistics has huge upsides, there are also several big challenges that must be addressed for them to work seamlessly: 5. Green Logistics While the pandemic negatively affected businesses in many ways, it had an unexpected impact on order fulfillment. As e-commerce sales skyrocketed, last-mile delivery – the final phase of order fulfillment where the product arrives at the customer’s door – got greener. As online purchases boomed, brick-and-mortar stores became fulfillment centers. Ship from store, BOPIS, and curbside pickup all emerged and thrived. Because of this, shipment drop density rose, which means that there’s less time delivery drivers are on the road, as well as less time spent waiting, unloading, and everything in between that kills time (and uses fuel). Last-mile delivery currently accounts for about 53% of total shipping costs – and roughly 40% of total supply chain costs.  Because consumer behaviors changed, last-mile delivery’s carbon footprint changed – thankfully for the better. This shows that with the right planning, last-mile delivery can become more efficient, less expensive, and more sustainable. Three keys to this are incentivizing greener fulfillment choices, adopting an “asset-light” philosophy, and utilizing real-time data and analytics. This will allow retailers, delivery companies, and customers to make more sustainable fulfillment decisions and further lessen their environmental impact. Looking for the Right Packaging Solutions for Your Fulfillment Needs? Preferred Packaging Is Here for You Whether you are a small business that needs more packaging materials to keep up with demand, or a well-established company looking to better manage your inventory, Preferred Packaging Products can provide the materials, services, and expertise that can help your business thrive. Since our founding in 1985, we have been the preferred packaging solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in developing custom packaging that will both ensure that your products are protected during shipping and help your brand stand out. We also offer a wide selection of generic packaging products and materials to suit all your packaging and shipping needs. Our warehouse, distribution, and logistics services can help you to streamline your packaging process and better utilize your warehouse space and better support your order...

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