Packaging used to be an afterthought of the e-commerce industry; something that would ensure products arrive at their destination safely. For years, finding the cheapest boxes and filler materials was a good way to save on shipping costs and maximize profits. Thankfully, the industry has become more conscious that product packaging, and the quality of materials used, can have an incredible impact not only on protecting products, but affecting the company’s image, customer confidence, and even our environmental footprint. In this article, we’ll break down seven key reasons why it’s important to invest in high-quality packaging materials for your e-commerce business: 7 Reasons Why Quality Packaging Materials Are Important for Businesses 1. Improved Product Protection High-quality packaging materials provide better protection for products during transit. This reduces the risk of damage caused by shocks, drops, rough handling, environmental factors, and accidents. Guaranteeing that products arrive in perfect condition ensures customer satisfaction and minimizes costly returns or refunds. 2. Better Brand Image and Reputation A product’s packaging is often the first impression that a customer gets for a product and your company as a whole. Choosing cheaper, low-quality packaging materials can have a serious impact on your brand image and reputation. High-quality, well-designed packing can create a positive first impression and be used to reinforce the brand’s image and values. Choosing quality packaging materials shows that the company cares about its products and the customer experience, which can lead to increased brand loyalty. 3. Enhanced Customer Experience and Confidence Customers appreciate receiving their orders in excellent condition, and high-quality packaging plays a large part in this experience. Packaging can also enhance the unboxing experience, making it memorable and shareable, which can lead to positive word-of-mouth and social media promotion. 4. Long-Term Cost Efficiency While high-quality packaging materials may have a higher upfront cost, they can actually save money in the long run. Better protection means fewer damaged goods, which reduces the costs associated with returns, replacements, and refunds. Additionally, durable packaging materials can reduce the need for excessive filler materials, leading to further savings on material costs and reduced material waste. 5. Improved Sustainability and Environmental Impact Many high-quality packaging materials are designed to be eco-friendly. Investing in sustainable packaging materials can reduce the company’s environmental footprint, appeal to environmentally-conscious consumers and comply with regulatory requirements.This can also improve the company’s image and attract a broader customer base. 6. Ensures Compliance with Shipping Standards Different industries have specific regulations regarding the packaging of products, especially for hazardous or perishable goods. Quality packaging materials are generally designed to meet these stringent requirements. This is especially important for businesses that ship internationally, as quality packaging can avoid issues with international shipping standards and customs. 7. Good Synergy with Marketing Efforts Packaging is an extension of a company’s marketing efforts. High-quality, visually appealing packaging can grab people’s attention, convey important information about the product, or even tell a story that resonates with consumers. Quality packaging can help the product to stand out from competitors and become an integral part of your products as a whole. ———- See The Difference That Quality Packaging Materials Can Make With Preferred Packaging Products Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for businesses along the Colorado Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging materials and products to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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Shipping costs can be a significant expense for businesses, often impacting their bottom line more than anticipated. There are a variety of factors that influence shipping costs, including package dimensions and weight, shipping options, and carrier choices. Understanding these factors can help businesses select the most cost-effective options and streamline their shipping processes, ultimately saving money. In this article, we’ll explore the key factors that affect shipping costs and what you can do to keep expenses manageable: The Key Factors That Affect Shipping Costs 1. Package Characteristics The primary factor in determining shipping costs is package weight. Heavier packages cost more to ship, so it’s important to minimize package weight as much as possible. Using lightweight packaging materials and avoiding overpacking are the best ways to reduce weight and minimize costs. The size of a package also affects shipping costs. Carriers use dimensional weight pricing for packages, which includes its length, width, and height. Businesses should choose appropriately-sized boxes and consider custom-sized packaging in order to optimize shipping dimensions. The type and quality of packaging materials used can also influence shipping costs. Materials that add significant weight or require special handling tend to increase shipping fees. Investing in high-quality, durable materials will ensure that packages are as small and lightweight as necessary. Special handling requirements for fragile items, hazardous materials, and the like can increase shipping costs due to the need for extra care or regulatory compliance. It’s important to clearly label packages and work with carriers to ensure proper handling, which will reduce the risk of damaged items or issues caused by non-compliance. 2. Delivery Specifications The distance between the origin and destination of a package greatly impacts shipping costs. Having to travel longer distances and shipping zones generally results in higher shipping fees. Using regional fulfillment centers is a good way to reduce shipping distances and costs. The delivery speed selected (overnight, two-day, standard) also significantly affects shipping costs. Offering customers multiple shipping options and encouraging customers to choose standard or ground shipping can significantly lower shipping costs. Shipping to rural or more remote areas can be more expensive than shipping to urban or suburban areas. International shipping tends to be even more expensive due to customs and tariffs. Using shipping calculators will help to estimate shipping costs accurately, and businesses should also consider charging extra for remote or international shipping to offset the higher costs. 3. Carrier and Service Options Different carriers (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.) have varying rates for their services. Comparing carriers and their service rates will allow businesses to find the most cost-effective options for their needs. Adding insurance and tracking to shipments increases costs but provides extra protections and peace of mind to customers. However, certain non-fragile items may not necessarily need insurance if the chances of arriving damaged are low. It’s important to evaluate the necessity of insurance and tracking based on the type of product and value of the shipment. Most carriers apply fuel surcharges that fluctuate with the price of fuel. Staying informed of carrier fuel surcharge policies will allow businesses to better plan their shipping budget. 4. External Factors Peak seasons (e.g., holidays) tend to increase shipping costs due to higher demand. Planning ahead for peak season and negotiating rates with carriers can help to offset these seasonal variations, which can lead to huge savings during the holiday rush. International shipments often incur customs duties, taxes, and additional handling fees. Researching the destination country’s regulations and including these costs in your pricing strategy will help to avoid surprises for both you and your customers. Ensure That Your Packaging Is Optimized for Shipping with Preferred Packaging Products Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for businesses along the Colorado Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging materials and products to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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Because of the fast-paced, “click and forget” nature of e-commerce, the process of packaging and shipping products is often an afterthought in the minds of most consumers. However, this process is made up of a complex web of costs that businesses must untangle in order to make a successful delivery. It’s essential that businesses understand the true costs of packaging in order to minimize their expenses while still providing quality packaging that protects their products during shipping. In this article, we’ll break down packaging costs and some of the hidden factors that impact both businesses and consumers alike: Exploring the Costs of Packaging and Shipping 1. Packaging Materials Packaging materials are the foundation of any business that ships products. There are a wide variety of packaging materials, including corrugated cardboard, bubble mailers, and padded envelopes, each better suited for certain products than others. Package size plays a major factor in material costs. Optimizing package sizes is the best way to minimize material costs and reduce material waste without sacrificing product safety. Purchasing packaging materials in bulk is also a good way to lower unit costs, but businesses also have to consider the higher upfront costs as well as having the space to store large volumes of materials. 2. Filler and Cushioning Materials Filler materials play a vital role in keeping products safe during transit. Bubble wrap, packing peanuts, air pillows, and more all provide essential cushioning, but costs can quickly get out of hand if they’re not used efficiently. Although the number one priority should be product safety, it’s important to find cost-effective options that provide adequate protection. Eco-friendly alternatives such as recycled paper and biodegradable packing peanuts can help manage costs while also promoting sustainability. 3. Tape and Labels Adhesive tape and labels are essential items for being able to secure packages and ensure that they reach their destination without issue. The costs associated with these items can add up quicker than one might think, especially for businesses that ship in high volumes. It’s important to invest in high quality tape and labels, so businesses should try to purchase these items in bulk or explore reusable alternatives to offset these costs. 4. Shipping Costs Shipping often takes up a significant portion of a company’s expenses if it is not handled properly. There are a variety of expenses that play into shipping costs, including package dimensions, weight, and destination. Packaging choices can greatly affect shipping costs, so it’s crucial that businesses optimize their package size and weight to cut down on shipping costs without sacrificing product safety. 5. Additional Considerations In addition to the upfront costs of packaging materials and shipping, there are other “hidden” expenses that can affect costs for businesses and prices for consumers, including: These hidden costs can significantly impact overall business expenses, so they shouldn’t be overlooked when developing packaging strategies. ———- Maximize Your Savings on Packaging and Shipping with Preferred Packaging Products Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for businesses along the Colorado Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging materials and products to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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What is Connected Packaging? In today’s digital age, packaging isn’t just a means to contain and protect products–it’s a gateway to a world of connectivity and enhanced consumer experiences. Connected packaging represents the fusion of physical products with digital technologies. It works by integrating IoT (Internet of Things) features such as QR codes, RFID chips, and smart sensors either on or within packaging to provide extra features or information. Connected packaging offers nearly limitless content possibilities, such as digital user manuals, links to similar products on the company’s online storefront, and even interactive games. These technologies allow people to interact with products in new and exciting ways, building a better connection between consumers, products, and companies. Examples of Connected Packaging 1. QR Codes and NFC Tags QR codes and NFC tags can be used to provide consumers with a treasure trove of information. Detailed product descriptions, instruction manuals, promotional offers, customer reviews, and other valuable content can all be accessed instantly via a quick scan or tap. 2. RFID Tags RFID tags can be integrated into packaging to allow businesses to track products through the supply chain. This can greatly improve inventory management while also safeguarding brand image by acting as a deterrent against counterfeiting, tampering, or theft. 3. Smart Labels Smart labels can be used to store digital documentation like shipping manifests and customs declarations on packages for more efficient shipping. Smart labels can also monitor environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature, and shocks/vibrations while in transit. Businesses can also use smart labels with tamper-evident features to enhance product security and reduce the likelihood of tampering or theft along the supply chain. 4. Augmented Reality (AR) Packaging Augmented reality packaging can transform ordinary packaging into an immersive and interactive experience. Scanning a package can provide consumers with interactive product demonstrations, like being able to see how a piece of furniture or appliance would look in someone’s home by overlaying virtual models onto their camera feed. AR packaging can also be used for storytelling and brand engagement, like taking consumers on virtual tours of production facilities or showcasing the company’s origins and values. Why Connected Packaging is Essential for Businesses 1. Enhanced Consumer Engagement One of the main advantages that connected packaging brings to businesses is that it creates opportunities to connect with consumers on a deeper level. Interactive experiences and personalized content add perceived value and quality to products, helping to improve customer retention and brand loyalty. 2. Data-Driven Insights Connected packaging can give businesses valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and usage patterns. Businesses can use this data to develop more effective marketing strategies, supply chain optimizations, and even new products in order to respond to consumer demands. 3. Supply Chain Efficiency and Transparency Connected packaging is an incredibly powerful tool for businesses to facilitate better monitoring and efficiency across the supply chain. Businesses can track product and raw material movements in real-time, promote better communication and collaboration among supply chain partners, and optimize their inventory management. 4. Differentiation and Competitive Advantage Connected packaging can help set brands apart from competitors by offering unique and memorable experiences and providing added value to products. Businesses can incorporate these technologies into their packaging to create a better sense of quality, value, and trust, helping to differentiate their products and establish a competitive edge. Explore How You Can Integrate Technology Into Custom Package Design with Preferred Packaging Products Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for businesses along the Colorado Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging materials and products to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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For businesses that ship packages across the country or around the world, having the right box can make all the difference. As business owners try to find ways to offset increasing shipping costs, some wonder if switching to moving boxes is an effective way to cut down on costs? While both shipping boxes and moving boxes seem similar at first glance, both are designed with entirely separate purposes in mind. In fact, choosing to ship products with moving boxes may lead to greatly increased costs down the line. In this article, we will discuss the key differences between shipping and moving boxes, and why moving boxes are not the best choice for shipping products: Breaking Down the Basics: Comparing Shipping and Moving Boxes 1. Durability and Protection The most fundamental difference between shipping boxes and moving boxes is their construction and durability. Shipping boxes are made from double-layered corrugated cardboard, which is much stronger than the single-layer construction of most moving boxes. Shipping boxes are designed to endure the rough and tumble nature of transportation, significantly increasing the chances that items reach their destination unharmed. The main goal of shipping boxes is to provide protection during transit. Shipping boxes are engineered to minimize the risk of damage or breakage during the shipping process. Moving boxes instead prioritize ease of handling during the moving process via ergonomic design features such as cutout handholds or stackability. Shipping boxes undergo a variety of tests to ensure their effectiveness, including: 2. Size, Shape, and Weight Capacity Shipping boxes are available in a range of shapes and sizes to cater to a wide range of products. On top of this, the availability of thin mailer boxes, mailer tubes, bubble envelopes, and other specialized shipping packaging makes it easy to find the right package for any product. Moving boxes tend to be much more generic in this aspect, as most companies only supply the standard box shape in a smaller range of sizes. With their double-layered design, shipping boxes are built to handle much greater package weights than standard moving boxes. Shipping boxes are engineered to handle heavy loads, while moving boxes are designed for the more practical weight limits associated with household items. This means that moving boxes may lack the support needed for heavy objects, which can cause items to fall out of the bottom of the box when being picked up or moved. 3. Cost-effectiveness Shipping boxes are often optimized for material cost-effectiveness, especially when purchased in bulk. This helps businesses find the perfect balance between package quality and cost. The general standardization of package sizes among carriers is also a key factor in cost-effectiveness. By optimizing the packing process for shipping containers and vehicles, this leads to lower shipping costs for businesses. Moving boxes certainly can be much cheaper than shipping boxes, but their overall lack of protection during shipping can lead to increased costs caused by return shipping fees, replaced items, and refunds. 4. Specialized Shipping Requirements The shipping industry transports all sorts of items that have special shipping needs. Certain items may need protection from moisture, static, or sunlight. Other items may require extra protection from shocks, vibrations, and drops. Shipping boxes can be designed for specific types of items, ensuring that they are transported in optimal conditions. Moving boxes, on the other hand, are primarily designed for general household items. While this general versatility is great for most items, certain items may not have the extra protection they need for safe transport. 5. Customization Options For most businesses, generic shipping boxes and other materials may be a simple and effective choice for the majority of everyday products. However, certain items may not get the protection they need from stock shipping boxes. One of the biggest advantages of choosing shipping boxes is the ability to design custom shipping boxes to fit virtually any need or preference. This will make sure that products get the most protection possible, reducing the risks of damaged goods and unhappy customers. ———- Ensure You Never Pick The Wrong Box with Preferred Packaging Products Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for businesses along the Colorado Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging materials and products to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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With the new year in full swing, many people are busy working towards fulfilling their New Year’s resolutions. Making resolutions can work wonders towards helping people grow and make positive changes in their lives, and resolutions can also be made to improve your business as well. Surviving in today’s competitive market is no easy feat, and striving to make improvements in your business can help to cut costs, reduce stress, and improve your image. Here are a few resolutions that can make a great improvement in your business and help it prosper throughout the new year: 5 New Years Shipping Resolutions for Businesses 1. Identify Your Biggest Shipping Issues from The Previous Year A great way to lay out a game plan for the new year is to look back at your biggest headaches from the year before. Did you have problems with your carrier(s) not being able to reliably deliver goods on time and undamaged? Were you frequently waiting for parts or materials due to supply chain issues? Did you struggle to keep up with increases in demand during peak seasons? Taking an honest look at your struggles from the year before will allow you to determine the key issues to address going forward and leave them in the past. 2. Optimize Your Packaging As shipping costs continue to rise and customers expect goods to arrive in one piece, it’s essential that you provide optimal packaging for your products in terms of both size and protection. Reducing package weight and size, bundling items together, and using the right materials for special items (waterproof, anti-static, etc.) are all ways to provide your products with the best protection possible while keeping shipping costs to a minimum. If generic packaging doesn’t seem to be the best solution for your products, investing in custom package design may be the answer to your needs. 3. Improve Customer Support and Communication One of the easiest ways to turn customers away from your business is to provide a bad customer experience. When issues arise, clear communication and quick response times can go a long way in preventing frustration and causing a customer to seek out your competitors in the future. Order tracking helps keep customers in the loop on the shipping status of their purchase, and offering different carrier options for shipping can also help improve the customer experience. Even something as simple as automated responses to out-of-hours calls or emails can help customers feel a bit more at ease when dealing with delays or other problems. 4. Make Supply Chain, Warehouse, and Logistics Improvements Whether you are planning to expand your business or are gearing up for peak seasons, it’s vital that your supply chain can keep up with you. Some keys to improving your logistics management are: 5. Stay On Top of Shipping and Packaging Trends and Tech The shipping and packaging industries are continuing to change and evolve, and taking advantage of new trends and technology can help you get a leg up on your competitors and better connect with your customers. Some trends that are expected to grow this year include: Start The New Year Off Right with Preferred Packaging Products Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for businesses along the Colorado Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging materials and products to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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Shipping costs are an inevitable part of selling goods online, regardless of whether you do it on your own website or through fulfillment services. Shipping costs frequently account for a sizable portion of online retail costs. This is particularly true for smaller companies, whose demand may not be consistent enough to negotiate bulk shipping discounts with carriers. This means that trimming the fat off shipping costs can make a noticeable difference in your company’s finances. In this article, we will discuss five ways that you can optimize your packaging in order to lower your shipping costs: 5 Ways to Reduce Shipping Costs via Optimized Packaging 1. Reduce Package Dimensions Optimizing the size of your packages is essential for cutting down on shipping expenses. Carriers utilize dimensional weight (DIM weight) to calculate how much space a package takes up in their trucks, planes, or ships during shipping. They then use your package’s DIM weight to determine your shipping costs. This is because bigger boxes take up more valuable space in shipping trucks, meaning more trips—and more specifically, more fuel—are needed to ship the same number of packages. The key to reducing your DIM weight is to reduce package dimensions as much as possible. At the same time, you still have to ensure your packages provide enough protection to prevent damage during transit. Using packaging materials wisely plays a big part in cutting down on package size; using foam cutouts, air pillows, or corrugated inserts offers much better protection than choosing an oversized box and stuffing it full of packing peanuts or bubble wrap. 2. Reduce Package Weight Even though you might not be able to reduce the weight of your products themselves, there are a few methods you can use to lower the total weight of your packages. Aside from choosing the appropriate package size, other important considerations include minimizing the amount of filler material used and utilizing lightweight packaging materials like bubble wrap or air bags to save weight. Note: In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to work with your carrier and choose one of the generic packages that they offer. These packages cover a range of sizes and use cases, and carriers usually offer flat-rate shipping for their generic packages, which can help avoid overweight package fees. 3. Bundle Smaller Items Together When a customer purchases multiple items in one order, sending items out in individual packages can be incredibly expensive. Bundling items together in one package—or even bundling separate smaller packages together in one larger box—can help cut shipping costs and possibly cut down on delivery times. Bundling items together also reduces the chance of items being lost during transit and orders arriving incomplete. 4. Switch from Boxes to Mailers DIM weight charges have made it necessary to make packages as small and lightweight as possible in order to save on shipping. This means that traditional boxes may not be your best option in some cases. Mailers, namely folders, tubes, and envelopes, are lightweight, space-conscious packaging solutions that work great for smaller or non-fragile items. Mailers are commonly used for shipping clothing, paper products, and even small jewelry. Mailers tend to be much more cost-effective than traditional boxes, so it may be wise to consider them if your products don’t necessarily need extra care. 5. Design Custom Packaging If stock packaging options aren’t saving you money on shipping or preventing damaged goods, then custom package design might be the best choice for your products. Damaged goods and returns are sometimes overlooked when it comes to shipping, but having to ship several times to complete an order can quickly drive up your shipping expenses. Custom packaging offers an additional layer of protection for items that need it, including: Designing custom packaging allows you to optimize your package size without sacrificing protection, greatly reducing the risk of damage during transit while keeping your DIM weight to a minimum. ———- Looking to Reduce Shipping Costs Without Sacrificing Package Quality? Preferred Packaging Products is the One-Stop Solution for All Your Packaging Needs Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for businesses along the Colorado Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging materials and products to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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The complex landscape of order fulfillment presents a wide range of challenges for eCommerce businesses. From the moment an order is placed until it is delivered, order fulfillment plays a crucial role in making things as painless as possible for the customer. Whether fulfillment is handled in-house or outsourced, problems like stockouts, shipping errors, and delays are common. However, there are steps that businesses can take to minimize these issues. In this article, we will discuss some common challenges that businesses face with order fulfillment and how to overcome them: 5 Frequent Order Fulfillment Problems – And How to Fix Them 1. Inventory Management Poor inventory management is one of the most common issues with order fulfillment. Mismanaged inventories can lead to stockouts and backorders, frustrated customers, and refund requests. Inventory management issues can ultimately stifle your ability to handle increased seasonal demands and your business growth as a whole. The best way to cut down on inventory issues is to integrate your online shopping cart with an inventory management system. These provide 24/7 access to your inventory with live updates, allowing you to keep products available and quickly respond to any issues. 2. Picking and Packing Picking and packing problems are another hurdle for order fulfillment. Improperly filled orders (missing items, incorrect items, etc.), unoptimized processes, and inadequate packaging materials and techniques can lead to frustrated customers, damaged products, and returns. It’s essential to streamline the picking and packing phases in order to overcome these issues. Developing effective picking and packing processes, providing proper training on packing techniques, and ensuring that you are using the right packaging materials and design for your products will all help prevent problems. 3. Shipping and Logistics Shipping and logistics problems can be frustrating for both you and your customers because things largely fall on the carrier at this point. Slow transit times, delivery delays, lost or damaged products, and other carrier issues can make a dent in your reputation and customer satisfaction ratings, even though things are essentially out of your hands. Shipping rates are another factor that needs to be addressed, especially as you begin to scale your business and your shipping demands increase. Some steps that you can take to reduce shipping and logistics issues are: 4. International Orders International orders have become more and more common as social media has helped businesses reach a wider global audience, but they can be tricky to handle properly. International shipping involves a hefty amount of paperwork, customs fees, and taxes for both the country your products are being shipped from and the country they’re being shipped to. International shipping is also usually much longer than domestic shipping, especially if you don’t have fulfillment centers located in neighboring countries. Expediting international shipping can be incredibly expensive as well, so keep that in mind should you try to reduce shipping times that way. The best way to handle international orders is to choose experienced shipping carriers. The big-name carriers have the experience to handle all of the paperwork, customs forms, taxes, and other aspects of international shipping. They also have the infrastructure and logistics in place to guarantee the fastest delivery times possible. 5. Customer Service Customer service plays a vital support role in order fulfillment. All it takes is a few late returned emails, providing an incorrect tracking number, or dealing with a frustrating return process to lose a customer for good. Ensuring that your order fulfillment process runs as smoothly and error-free as possible is the first step to providing good customer service. Incorrect orders, delays due to misprinted labels, and damaged goods caused by careless packing are surefire ways to drive customers away. When things do go wrong, clear and timely communication between you and your customers is essential. Customers like to be kept in the loop during the shipping process, so automated shipping updates are another way to improve customer satisfaction. Finally, a free and simple return process will ensure that customers can easily send back damaged or incorrect orders and get a replacement shipped quickly. Solve Your Order Fulfillment Issues with Preferred Packaging Products Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging materials and products to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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Packaging plays a vital role in e-commerce, acting as a safeguard for products during shipping. With customer satisfaction being one of the key factors in today’s market, the way a business approaches packaging design can have a huge impact on its overall success. Faulty packaging, damaged goods, and negative customer experiences can deal a huge blow to your brand’s image, making it tougher to stand out amongst the crowd in today’s market. In this article, we will discuss how poor packaging design and practices can affect your brand’s image and tarnish an otherwise great reputation: How Poor Packaging Practices Can Affect Your Brand Image 1. Customer Frustration When customers place an order for a product, there is an inherent expectation that their order will arrive on time and in one piece. When customers receive a damaged product due to poor packaging practices, this will inevitably lead to disappointment and frustration. Nothing can create a negative emotional experience like someone working hard and saving their money for months to make a big purchase—something they should be proud of—only for a package to arrive with broken goods inside. This frustration is sure to affect their perception of your products, the quality of your packaging, and their overall view of your brand. 2. Loss of Trust Repeated issues with damaged products undermine trust in your brand. Having repeat customers is an incredibly difficult task to achieve when people don’t think your products are worth buying. As the negative reviews start to pile up, customers may start to question the quality of your products and the reliability of your packaging and shipping methods. Trust is a cornerstone of brand loyalty, and once that trust starts to erode, it can be challenging to rebuild. 3. Negative Word-of-Mouth People tend to rely on family, friends, and colleagues for recommendations on products and value their opinions very highly. Word-of-mouth marketing can be either a blessing or a curse; positive word-of-mouth can greatly boost your reputation and lead to more customers, but negative word-of-mouth can spread like wildfire and severely tarnish your brand image. As the mentions of damaged products, doubts over the quality of your products, and frustration felt from the returns process begin to spread from person to person, it can easily deter potential customers who may otherwise like your products. 4. Reduced Repeat Business Brand loyalty and repeat business are huge factors in a successful brand and product line. Many companies offer a wide range of products to fit a variety of needs, and customers tend to gravitate towards brands that offer a range of products to suit a variety of needs. For example, a family may own an LG TV, an LG fridge, an LG dishwasher, LG air conditioners, etc. Building up a following of loyal customers can lead to a huge potential for repeat business, and it all starts with that first purchase. If issues with faulty packaging, damaged goods, and returns do arise during that first purchase, that negative experience can deter what could have been a lifetime customer from even considering buying a second product from you. 5. Higher Costs In addition to revenue losses, poor packaging practices can also lead to increased costs as you deal with the returns process. To put things in perspective, during normal order fulfillment, you’re only sending the product on one shipment from you to your customer. During the returns process, you’re really spending on three trips: the primary shipment, the return shipment, and finally shipping the replacement product back out to the customer. Add in extra costs for expedited shipping each way and lost revenue from sending out two products for one order fulfillment, and these costs can quickly spiral out of control. This is especially true for refunds, in which you essentially eat the cost of shipping to and from with no revenue gained at the end of the process. Guarantee Quality Packaging Solutions and Protect Your Brand Image with Preferred Packaging Products Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality generic packaging products and materials to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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Safe shipping is a necessity in today’s ecommerce-driven world. Waiting for a purchase needs to be quick and painless; a few broken products, returns, and refunds can quickly ruin the reputation of an otherwise great business. Taking proactive steps can ensure that your products arrive safely and guarantee higher customer satisfaction ratings. In this article, we’ll examine some strategies you can use to improve your shipping methods to keep your products safe during shipping and improve delivery rates: Strategies for Safer Shipping 1. Use the Right Packaging Materials The best defense against shipping-related issues is choosing high-quality packaging materials that best suit your products. The first step is to choose the right size package for your products. Packages that are too large leave room for items to rattle around inside, and they’re not very cost-effective either. Finding a package that allows just the right amount of protective materials inside will help cut down on shipping costs and keep items secured. Some other tips include: 2. Package Testing and Quality Control Package testing allows you to test how your packaging will hold up and avoid having fewer customers receiving broken or damaged products. Performing rigorous testing and quality checks on your packaging well before products are shipped will identify issues that can lead to damage during transit. If stock packaging solutions don’t seem to get the job done, then custom packaging solutions may be necessary to guarantee your products arrive safely 3. Provide Clear Handling Instructions It can be incredibly frustrating for customers to have packages arrive damaged when the proper labeling and instructions could have prevented mishandling. Providing clear instructions with labels such as “Fragile: Handle With Care”, Anti-Static Labels, and Hazard Labels can prompt shipping personnel to take extra precautions when handling delicate items such as glass or electronics or potentially dangerous items like lithium batteries. Impact/Shock/Tilt indicators can also prompt package handlers to take extra care and will inform you where any damage occurred during shipping. Making sure mailing and shipping labels are prominently displayed can also help prevent packages from being sent to the wrong place. This can cut down on shipping delays and reduce the risk of damage during that extra time in transit. 4. Utilize Package Tracking and Notifications Implementing a tracking system for packages allows customers to monitor the progress of their shipments in real-time. All of the large carriers use package tracking, providing estimated delivery dates and sending notifications about shipping updates. Implementing a system on your end that will automatically provide customers with tracking numbers, shipping updates, and notifications of delays or when packages may arrive ahead of schedule will help manage customer expectations and reduce frustration. ———- Looking to Avoid Broken Products and Improve Delivery Rates? Preferred Packaging Products Has the Packaging Solutions For You Since 1985, we have been the preferred packaging, logistics, and automation solution for hundreds of businesses along the Front Range. We specialize in custom package development and can help you optimize your packaging to maximize product protection, minimize material and shipping costs, and keep customers happy. We also offer a wide selection of high-quality standard packaging products and materials to suit all of your packaging and business needs. Some other ways Preferred Packaging can help your business include: To see what Preferred Packaging Products can do for your business, give us a call at (303) 444-4774 or get in touch with us online to get started.

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